
Noma wins the 50Best. Joy for Italy: a great performance by Camanini; and Crippa, Alajmo and Romito move up

In Antwerp the ceremony of the World’s 50Best Restaurants. Expectations met: René Redzepi returns at the top of the gourmet world. Lido 84 (15th) gets the Highest New Entry Award

The team from Noma in Copenhagen celebrates the f

The team from Noma in Copenhagen celebrates the first place in The World’s 50Best Restaurants 2021

What will be the new number one restaurant in the world? And which Italians will be among the 50Best? We will find out soon, live from Antwerp, where the ceremony for The World's 50 Best Restaurants is taking place. Here is the live report as it happened.

Gabriele Zanatta wrote here that he's in Antwerp like Paolo Marchi: "Only a few hours to go and we'll find out the name of the 19th winner of the World’s 50Best Restaurants. This will be 2 years and 3 months after the last edition, when Singapore crowned Mauro Colagreco's Mirazur which at the time had just won the third Michelin star too. Trivia fact, the same could apply to René Redzepi's Noma, which got the (late) third star from the French guide little over two weeks ago, and is at the top according to the exit polls of the first post-pandemic Fifty Best. In Antwerp, in the Flanders, there's no official news, but the feeling is that the restaurant from Copenhagen, which has already won the title 4 times not in a row, and was second in 2019, could end up in the Olympus of the so called “Best of the Best”, the restaurants that won in the latest editions (including Massimo Bottura's Osteria Francescana), which can no longer compete according to the new rules. Difficult to think that Asador Extebarri (3rd in 2019), Geranium (5th) or Central (6th) can beat René Redzepi. But everything is possible, in theory".

4.37 pm: live photos a few minutes before the ceremony begins.

Massimo Bottura and Eleonora Cozzella

Massimo Bottura and Eleonora Cozzella

Enrico Crippa and Norbert Niederkofler

Enrico Crippa and Norbert Niederkofler

The Camanini brothers

The Camanini brothers

4.45 pm: we start with Massimo Bottura in the original role of "special correspondent" in Antwerp and behind the scenes («Which is always the funniest part», he says) of the ceremony.

"Reporter" Bottura interviews Joan Roca

"Reporter" Bottura interviews Joan Roca

16.58 pmMassimo Bottura with Massimiliano Alajmo and his wife MariapiaAlajmo: «We're finally here, with plenty of friends, after three years of grief. Hurray for Italy!».

5.05 pm: the ceremony begins. William Drew, content director at The World's 50 Best Restaurants speaks from the stage. He thanks the sponsors, starting from S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna. With a mention to the pandemic and its difficulties.

5.08 pmDrew asks to applaud Viviana Varese, who's already won the Champions of Change award from the 50 Best for her social commitment. Well done Viviana!

Jeremy Chan, in the centre, on the stage of Antwerp

Jeremy Chan, in the centre, on the stage of Antwerp

5.25 pm: The One to watch award goes to Ikoji in London, with chef Jeremy Chan, and old (but he's very young) acquaintance of Identità Golose.

Will Goldfarb's exultation

Will Goldfarb's exultation

5.35 pm: the best pastry chef for the 50Best 2021 is Will Goldfarb, who has also participated in our congress. 

5.40 pm: the "Sustainable Restaurant" award goes to Rodolfo Guzman's Borago in Santiago del Chile (guess what? He also participated in Identità Milano).

5.45 pm: Pía Leon wins The World's Best Female Chef award.

5.48: NIKO ROMITO'S REALE IS 29th! (It was 51st, a nice leap)

5.51 pm: MASSIMILIANO ALAJMO'S LE CALANDRE IS 26th (it was 31st in 2019, another nice improvement)

5.55 pm: Victor Arguinzoniz's Asador Etxebarri in the Basque Country wins the Chefs' Choice Award.


The applause of Riccardo and Giancarlo Camanini

The applause of Riccardo and Giancarlo Camanini

6.03 pm: RICCARDO CAMANINI'S LIDO 84 WINS THE "HIGHEST NEW ENTRY AWARD"! REACHING THE TOP 50BEST! (15th, it was 78th in 2019, but it also won the One to watch Award at the time. Indeed).

Winner René Redzepi gives a speech to the audience and his team

Winner René Redzepi gives a speech to the audience and his team

6.18 pmAsador Etxebarri is third. Geranium in Copenhagen is second. Noma is once again first. As forecasted.



1 - NOMA - Copenhagen, Denmark
2 - GERANIUM - Copenhagen, Denmark
3 - ASADOR ETXEBARRI - Atxondo, Spain
4 - CENTRAL - Lima, Peru
5 - DISFRUTAR - Barcelona, Spain
6 - FRANTZEN - Stockholm, Sweden,
7 - MAIDO - Lima, Peru
8 - ODETTE - Singapore
9 - PUJOL – Mexico City, Mexico
10 - THE CHAIRMAN - Hong Kong, China

15 - LIDO 84 in Gardone Riviera, Brescia
18 - PIAZZA DUOMO in Alba, Cuneo
26 - LE CALANDRE in Rubano, Padua
29 - REALE in Castel di Sangro, L'Aquila
52 - ULIASSI in Senigallia, Ancona
54 - ST.HUBERTUS in San Cassiano, Bolzano

Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso

Dal Mondo

Reviews, recommendations and trends from the four corners of the planet, signed by all the authors of Identità Golose

Identità Golose


Identità Golose

This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad

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