Soon, someday, time will be honorable enough to attest a historical fact: here, more than 20 years ago, the first pizza which dared to challenge orthodoxy came into this world. We will call it «Padoan school». After all, if we have the rounded Romana or Chicago’s deep dish, why shouldn’t we acknowledge that this man created a style? A method that, besides, sped up the progress of the world leavened doughs and toppings everywhere. Simone Padoan conducts his mission with great integrity: he fruitfully blends flawless raw materials, state-of-the-art cooking techniques, the use of whole wheat or half-whole wheat flours and sourdough.
classe 1973, laurea in Filosofia, giornalista freelance, coordina i contenuti della Guida ai Ristoranti di Identità Golose dalla prima edizione (2007), collabora con varie testate e tiene lezioni di gastronomia presso diverse scuole e università. twitter @gabrielezanatt instagram @gabrielezanatt