Massimo Giovannini
crediti: Brambilla - Serrani
Massimo Giovannini, from Tuscany, has a great love for pizza that comes from afar, from the time when at home there was the aroma of the bread dough his mother left to rise. This passion has accompanied him while his life was flowing in another direction, until, in 1994, he left everything and opened a pizzeria in Viareggio, Il Pachino. From that moment on, nothing stopped him and many were the specialization courses thanks to which he refined his talent and technique, soon leading to important awards.
In 2008 Massimo returned to his hometown, Pietrasanta, and opened l'Apogeo with his wife Barbara, who’s always been by his side. Massimo’s work is that of paying honour to the role of the pizza-chef, so that his work and choices would be respected, even those regarding the pairing he and his colleagues propose and often the clients have the tendency to change, if not to turn upside-down. Giovannini takes care of everything, from beginning to end, selecting raw materials and offering different kinds of dough and processes for each product.
This skilled gourmet pizza-chef dreams of making pizza shine, paying it a real tribute, and educating the customer so he thinks of this as an experience, at least once in a while, as if it were that of a high cuisine restaurant, offering a “pizza in evening dress". This is why he has also signed the pizza menu together with his friend and esteemed chef Andrea Mattei. His is a strong statement, but it is as interesting as it is free of arrogance, which really doesn’t belong to him. The humble and well-disposed Giovannini is a real templar and this is his crusade.
Has participated in
Identità Milano
Massimo Giovannini was born in Pietrasanta in 1967. Among his training experience, the courses at the Scuola italiana pizzaioli in Caorle, at Gambero Rosso and the encounter with Molino Quaglia and Università della pizza. In 2010 and 2011 he passed the local and national selections of Europe’s "Giro pizza" and arrived in the finals in Paris, both times reaching a good placement