During the Nineties, Gianfranco Vissani was the chef who stood out as a personality more than anyone else, independently of his skills at the stove. Exuberant, always ready for a joke, histrionic, he has worked with television where indeed he cooks and suggests some tricks to housewives watching TV, but he also has fun just by being on stage, dressing up, dancing, overplaying. All this activity has certainly estranged the sympathy of many of his colleagues, who are usually jealous of his football-player popularity, but has also made chefs stand out as the cult figures of these years.
If many young people today say they want to work in a restaurant it is because they have seen this imposing, smiling man from Umbria on television, surrounded by beautiful girls. His wife, sons and sister (among them, Luca, dining room master, who was awarded the Best Italian Maître for the Identità Golose guide in 2009) support him in the management of his two-starred restaurant on Lago di Corsara. Ready to jump in the car at any time of day and night for a banquet, an appearance on television, an award, you have to take him as he is. And because he’s bulky and good, it’s not that easy.
Vissani is a volcano erupting a very rich menu, with meat (including game), fish and creativity. We find mostly raw materials from Umbria plus the best products of the sea and of the world, when he wants to enrich dishes that are always the balance of five, seven, ten different ingredients. Others would lose their way, as if in a labyrinth, but not he. And he always comes up with a new idea. With Ora Vissani, for instance, you can have lunch for 30 euros. But only if you sit at the table for 60 minutes (ora means hour in Italian), from 1 to 2 pm.