Iginio Massari
Credits Brambilla-Serrani
If Gualtiero Marchesi is synonymous with creative chef and Gino Veronelli with food and wine critic, Iginio Massari is the Italian pastry-chef par excellence, three personalities who share not only a great passion for their profession, but also a vast culture that spans all the fields of human knowledge.
Brescian by birth, Massari is the owner of Pasticceria Veneto in Brescia, opened in 1971, and partner in the restaurant Carlo Magno in Collebeato, in the province of Brescia. His creed is quality. There isn’t one single imperfect step in his work. He has style in life as he does in the elaboration and creation of a dessert, an elegance and an attention to detail that enable him to present two masterpieces that many know how to prepare very well, Panettone and Pandoro, with characteristics that make you shout about their absolute goodness. «I love to satisfy all those who desire the impossible», he says about himself. He doesn’t like truffles and avoid all those ingredients that are present as surrogates like the plague. And he isn’t wrong. Authentic quality is this too. And if it’s linked to the memory of a Hazelnut cake with custard made in 1962, his first great performance, he really would like to have been able to be the father of Panettone «seen from the point of view of its deliciousness and transgressive intensity». But in general his creed is «taste and naturalness».
The bases are classic, his first book has a short title, a single word: Programma. They are proposals linked to the various celebrations during the year, so that it’s easy to have the right dessert for the right festivity, something which is important at a time like the present when it’s easy to detach everything from everything and find typical dishes and desserts made every month of the year, so that we almost forget which saint or event we owe them to. And like a house, built from the foundations upwards, Massari’s world starts from the ABC and from respect for the past, then adding his ideas, perfectly set in history and in what we hope will be our future.
Has participated in
Identità Milano
born in Milan in March 1955, at Il Giornale for 31 years dividing himself between sports and food, since 2004 he's the creator and curator of Identità Golose.
blog www.paolomarchi.it
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