Lucio Pompili
Credits Brambilla-Serrani
Brightness marrying poetry. It’s difficult to trace borders between traditional and creative cuisine when we speak about Lucio Pompili. It’s much easier to recognize the identity of one of the greatest contemporary Italian chef. Identities that are strictly tied to local landings. Pompili is a real raw materials collector: only the best ones, picked up from those piece of land between mountains and the sea that is called Marche region, end up on his dishes. Lucio, actually not awarded by critics as he would deserve, collects all the elements that build excellence.
His restaurant, Cartoceto’s Symposium is perfect in the hall long before in the recipes. Not to tell about the cellar, one of the most interesting in Italy. Then come his creations. Real, realistic and counterfeit flavors. And here our respect for the perfect management of the restaurant becomes worship. Especially game animals’ recipes. But not only. His recipes speaks about Acqualagna truffle, very valuable beef meats, fishes from Adriatic sea and those ethereal olive oils that only Marche hills can give birth to.
His style is so modern that it doesn’t show. All the last generation’s technological instruments are at his disposal. And if we add a fantastic sensitivity toward seasonal products, here you are the identikit of a contemporary chef that never waste his balance toward post-modern. There’s many decadent cuisines around: his one is still a concentrate of vitality.
Research means to move in a grid of rooms just like those of Raymond Queneau. Here ingredients are pegs. And Pompili doesn’t care at all about what’s left outside.
His Exercises in style are all inside there, inside that great palace of tastes that is Marche region. Pompili is a hunter, he’s always been a hunter. And he’s the best game chef of Italy. And of the whole world if we consider game bird coking. Thrushes, partridges, wood pigeons, pheasants at their best. His passion for double-barrelled shotgun led Lucio to Argentina, Azerbaijan, Libya. That’s why he learned all the secrets of wild meat, shades between species. An experience offered to customer, every day, in a corner of paradise: Cartoceto.
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Identità Milano
Samuele Amadori è un giornalista romagnolo. 31 anni, vive a Bologna e lavora per la Rai. Per anni l’enogastronomia è stata il suo mestiere, ora è tornato al primo amore della cronaca. Ma la passione per il buon cibo non è evaporata, e continua a esplorare il territorio alla ricerca di grandi tavole. Emilia Romagna, Umbria e Inghilterra le sue zone di caccia preferite