There are few other restaurants in Italy where so many stories are intertwined like Tenda Rossa in Cerbaia, close to Florence. Not just one family, not even two, but three. It all started some 40 years ago. It was a formidable climb to the highest peaks of fine dining, slipping around the Zero years, and then growing again more recently, thanks to many women, and just one man.
To sum it up, two families are called Salcuni, the second is called Santandrea. I’ll spare you the labyrinth of relationships, it would put even Theseus to the test. Focusing on the present, and on the latest generation, today at Tenda Rossa we have a 100% female service thanks to cousins Barbara, Cristiana and Natascia, while the only son, Cristian Santandrea, is in the kitchen with his wife, German Maria Probst.
Their tasks are easily divided: savoury dishes are the kingdom of Maria, sweet ones belong to Cristian. Yet this is rather uncommon, as husband and wife usually don’t share the same place of work, since they already share a home.
Maria arrived at Tenda Rossa by chance. It was one of those internships you do at 20, to give some substance to your ambitions. Except a series of happy unforeseen events led her to stay, first to take care of the kitchen, then to build a family, something she would have never thought.
Today Maria has found her perfect role in the history of Tenda Rossa. You don’t arrive in a place like this to turn it upside down, but to study its flow, and when you have understood how it works, you’ll follow that flow, adding your ideas. No jolts, and lots of attention to detail.