How is passion born? Those who know the answer with certainty please raise their hands. Sometimes it’s genetic – so to speak – passed down from parents to children. Sometimes it’s a question of fate. In other cases it has to do with friends, meetings, episodes. Sometimes, finally, it follows truly mysterious paths.
Let’s take Giulia Miatto, born in 1985 in Treviso. Her parents did something totally different: her mother a housewife, her father working with excavations and digging. She studied to become an accountant, then graduated in International Trade from Cà Foscari. Meanwhile, she began to work as a waitress in restaurants, so as to pay for her studies.
Who knows if the sparkle comes from there, «however, I was never interested in cooking, I only made cakes, at home, for my friends». After university she enrolled in a Master on “Wine and food culture for the management of gastronomic resources”, also in the Venetian university: which makes us think something had already happened in her mind.
But her road is still uphill, «I couldn’t find positions that were compatible with my master». Yet she’s curious, omnivorous (of knowledge): she gets a qualification to work in the dining room, followed by a pastry making workshop at Cast Alimenti, «I did it on a whim». Destiny finally knocks on her door: it’s 2011, a job arrives at Molino Quaglia, «I arrived without a specific position, I was a bit of a jolly».
Yet she’s good, she’s determined: Quaglia and Gabrieli notice her, they need to name someone for La Scuola del Molino, and why not this very determined girl? She accepts and continues to study, research in depth, especially with regards to bread and pastry making.
Today she’s a technician at Molino Quaglia and manager at La Scuola. «I like it here, there’s enthusiasm, desire to share ideas. We always try to look ahead, not to repeat what’s known. Besides, I feel I’m one of the family». A nice story.