IG2021: il lavoro


Dossier Dessert at Identità Milano 2021, with great chefs and super pastry chefs

The historic section created in partnership with Valrhona and dedicated to the sweet side of catering is back. On stage, the Cereas with Simone Finazzi, Uliassi with Mattia Casabianca, Sultano with Fabrizio Fiorani

Chefs and pastry chefs discuss, at Dossier Desser

Chefs and pastry chefs discuss, at Dossier Dessert 2021, in partnership with Valrhona as usual. In the top row, the chefs: Chicco and Bobo CereaMauro UliassiCiccio Sultano. In the bottom row, their pastry chefs: Simone FinazziMattia CasabiancaFabrizio Fiorani

Dossier Dessert, the sweet side of catering: it's a historic moment, ever since the second edition, at the congress of Identità Milano. A section that was born, as Paolo Marchi explains, «when we were at the Borsa in Piazza Affari and nobody among us thought of the growth the congress would experience». What we already thought at Identità Golose at the time was that, to quote the words of the creator and curator of the congress, it would be important to celebrate «what Italian cooks rarely have at heart because they are vocated to the highest enhancement of savoury flavours, starters and first courses, meat and fish, sides and bread, with no great interest for what follows the cheese selection (when there is one)».

The other constant of this space dedicated to sweets is the partnership with  Valrhona, a unique brand of chocolaterie, which has always been focused on researching excellence. The partnership continues even in this 16th edition of Identità Milanofrom the 25th to the 27th of September 2021 at MiCo in Milan, an edition that will have as its fil rouge the theme of Building a New Future: Work.

The complete programme of the congress can be found here: Dossier Dessert will be in the afternoon of Monday 27th September, in the Auditorium at MiCo, and will be structured in three lessons that will all involve a discussion. To further stress the goal of giving life to the sweet side of catering, there will be on stage three "pairs" formed by a great Italian chef and a great pastry chef at work in his restaurant.

The Cerea brothers...

The Cerea brothers...

...and Simone Finazzi

...and Simone Finazzi

We will start at 3 pm on Monday 27th with a great family: the Cereas, the soul of the historic three-stars in Brusaporto (Bergamo) Da Vittorio. With Bobo and Chicco Cerea, chef of the restaurant, there will also be Simone Finazzi, who joined the family in 1995, when he married Barbara Cerea, and runs with her Pasticceria CavourLocale Storico d’Italia, on top of taking care of their catering events and the pastry making at the restaurantHis liaison with the sweet world wasn't love at first sight: he doesn't have a dessert that identifies him completely, he loves them all, because «pastry making is like music, I choose based on how I feel», he explains. He will tell the rest on the stage of Identità Milano.

Uliassi and Casabianca at Identità di Gelato 2021

Uliassi and Casabianca at Identità di Gelato 2021

The next lesson will illustrate the sweet story of another three-star restaurant in Italy, with Mauro Uliassi from the Marche together with the pastry chef of Ristorante Uliassi Mattia Casabianca, also from Senigallia. Born in 1993, a career that began as a child in the family pastry shop, he then continued his training at ALMA and later in some of the best kitchens in the world. «At 18 he left to acquire experience with some of the greatest chefs. Ramsey, the RocasTorreblancaRoux: when he returned, we immediately got him in our team», Uliassi told us when he recently participated in Identità di Gelato in Senigallia, participating again with the talented Casabianca. A duet that will continue in Milan. 

Fiorani and Sultano

Fiorani and Sultano

To finish, we will move to Sicily, and land at the court of Ciccio Sultano, chef at Ristorante Duomo in Ragusa. Another temple of Italian fine food, and Sicilian to be specific, where some time ago arrived one of the best pastry chefs in Italy and globally. For sure of Asia, since Fabrizio Fiorani from Rome, was awarded in 2019 by the 50Best Asia as the best interpreter of the art of sweets when he was the pastry chef of the Bulgari restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka. In his desserts there's a perfect balance of art and craftmanship, beauty, avantgarde, but also pleasantness on the palate: «The pastry chef must have a clear taste. Then, of course, he can give a different shape and atmosphere to his dessert. But inspiration and allure are important too», he told us when he participated in Identità On The Road 2020. We're awaiting his next lesson.




Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso 


IG2021: il lavoro

Identità Golose


Identità Golose

This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad

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