
The prophecy of Renato Bosco: «Pizza in ten years' time? It won't be round»

The crunches and Aria di Pane, the takeaway and the lockdown. The pizza maker from San Martino Buon Albergo protagonist at Identità on the road

Renato Bosco, born in 1967,

Renato Bosco, born in 1967, "pizza-researcher" with pizzerias in San Martino Buonalbergo, Verona, Milan and Prato. You can listen to his masterclass at Identità on the road by registering on Identità on The Road (for info: iscrizioni@identitagolose.it, or call +39 02 48011841, ext. 2215)

Among the episodes not to be missed at Identità on the road there's one that will make the pizzaioli who favour innovation happy. It's the video that sums up a chat between Paolo Marchi and Renato Bosco: «The lad from San Martino Buon Albergo», that's how the curator of Identità presents him, «famous for having revolutionised the concept of gourmet pizza, which we can define with one word: crunch». Here is an extract of their discussion; for the details, we invite you to visit our online platform.

CRUNCH. «It's an important word for what I bake», the pizzaiolo explains. «I got the idea in Rome: I went to see how they made pizza in the baking tin, a very thin dough designed in detail to add that sensation of volume and lightness that now characterises my pizzas. This is the premise behind a soft and melty product, two features I hold very dear».

PINEAPPLE. «Let's admit it», Marchi urges him, «you have also prepared a version of pineapple pizza. How dare you?». «It's not a provocation», the pizzaiolo from Verona replies, «I have always thought that, with knowledge, everything can become good, even the unlikely, as long as we explore the ingredients well. In other words, knowledge makes the inedible edible. In this case, I made it by extracting the sugar part of the exotic fruit through osmosis...».

Bosco's pineapple pizza

Bosco's pineapple pizza

Aria di Pane with Apulian burrata and Parma ham. Bosco offers us a sample in the Identità on the road clip

Aria di Pane with Apulian burrata and Parma ham. Bosco offers us a sample in the Identità on the road clip

KIWI. Pineapple wasn't the only example of unusual ingredient: «One year, at PizzaUp, with chef Piergiorgio Parini, we made pizza with kiwi too. We used it in the way you'd use unripe peeled tomatoes. We put the kiwis in the oven, removed the peel, and then proceeded as with the classic tomato, with salt, oil and garlic. It looked different, but if you closed your eyes, it really tasted like tomato». The pizza was called Marghetira and it's still in the tasting menu in San Martino.

In the dungeons of the pizzeria of San Martino Buon Albergo

In the dungeons of the pizzeria of San Martino Buon Albergo

Bosco and Paolo Marchi in the session of Identità on the road

Bosco and Paolo Marchi in the session of Identità on the road

BREAD MOZZARELLA. How was it born? «From a simple, yet original idea: by making the dough with the water from the mozzarella – which is often discarded – and adding white flour to it. It's steamed, a trick that adds softness and preserves the aroma of the mozzarella. I always garnish it with burrata»...

IG2020: on the road

Identità Golose


Identità Golose

This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad

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