A time for responsibility
Identità Golose’s Hub in Milan closes the restaurant at lunchtime too. We prefer to listen to only one voice: #iorestoacasa, I stay at home
The entrance to Identità Golose Milano. We’ll welcome you again soon!
Choosing to listen to only one voice - #iorestoacasa, I stay at home – is the only possible act if we want to leave behind this situation that requires necessary sacrifices.
Identità Golose Milano closes the restaurant at lunchtime too. In this unique moment we believe that this is the right thing so that we can give everyone the possibility of starting again soon, as strong as ever.
It’s a question of civil responsibility towards clients, as well as towards collaborators that requires, today as ever, that we give an important message to the community. It’s a challenge that requires composure and solidarity.
The team of Identità Golose Milano remains available to all who want to check the availability of the spaces to organise events, meetings and special activities which we will be happy to host as soon as the emergency is over.
For info and contacts: info@identitagolosemilano.it or +39.02.23665683.
Stay tuned and see you in Via Romagnosi 3!
Identità Golose Milano
Tales and photos from the first International Hub of Gastronomy in Via Romagnosi, 3 in Milan
This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad
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