
Great dishes and super wines. In Milan

Tomorrow, the third edition of the Milano Food&Wine Festival begins. An interview with Köcher

Tomorrow, at MiCo in Via Gattamelata, the third ed

Tomorrow, at MiCo in Via Gattamelata, the third edition of the Milano Food&Wine Festival begins. It will be a meeting of great Italian wines and superb dishes, open until Monday February 10th. The event will be open daily from 11 am. Closing time will be at 11 pm on Saturday, 10 pm on Sunday, and 4.30 pm on Monday. Tickets can be bought from the event’s ticket office on the days of the event

Opening the doors to all those who want to eat and drink well, trying to make them understand what they have in their dish and in their glass - the objective of the Milano Food and Wine Festival is clear: giving value to the pleasure offered by signature dishes matched with selected wines, in a three-day event dedicated not just to experts, but to simple enthusiasts too. This is a firm belief for Helmuth Köcher, president and founder of the Merano WineFestival, an event that for over 20 years has been considered a point of reference in the wine world by professional and enthusiasts, an event that for the third time is proposed in the Festival Milanese edition, which will be open from tomorrow, Saturday 8th, till Monday February 10th.

Helmuth Köcher, with Paolo Marchi the curator of Milano Food&Wine Festival. Beside him, Alessandra Rotondi

Helmuth Köcher, with Paolo Marchi the curator of Milano Food&Wine Festival. Beside him, Alessandra Rotondi

“Our event is not only dedicated to experts, but to those who want to eat and drink well, without necessarily knowing the difference between Barolo and Brunello di Montalcino. What counts is personal taste: everyone have their own and this is a good thing. As for us, we try to offer the wines of over 90 selected producers, sided by the dishes prepared by the best chefs”. This event goes hand in hand with the Identità Milano congress: many hands make light work. The challenge, already faced during the two previous editions, is that of leading visitors through a sensorial journey, in which everyone can try out their own match. “This is not an event dedicated only to wine, or only to food– underlines Köcher – but to the union of these two worlds. And every visitor has the chance to match, experiment and taste”.

The format is now fully tested: visitors enter the event and have the chance to access the tasting area with around 400 wines and next to this, in turn, there are the chefs. Among these, to name a few, Cesare Battisti of Ratanà in Milan, Daniel Canzian (Daniel, Milan), Andrea Provenzani of Liberty in Milan, Stefano Callegari and his trapizzini from 00100 in Rome; throughout the event, there will also be the cured meats produced by Massimo and Luciano Spigaroli of Antica Corte Pallavicina and the dessert cart prepared by Enrico and Roberto Cerea of restaurant Da Vittorio in Brusaporto.

In the front line, Massimo Spigaroli and his fabulous culatello

In the front line, Massimo Spigaroli and his fabulous culatello

This year’s novelty is the “Food Experience Mondadori”, a fully equipped area dedicated to all those who – be it adults or children – want to participate in cooking classes, attend cooking shows or guided tastings. “I believe this collaboration with Mondadori – Köcher explains – can help to understand food and wine matches even more. What will be put up in the Mondadori area, will guide visitors in this very direction”.

In conclusion, there’s something for everyone’s liking. The event will be open from Saturday 8th to Monday 10th, always from 11 am. Closing time will be at 11 pm on Saturday, 10 pm on Sunday and 4.30 pm on Monday. Tickets bought in advance cost 27.50 euros until February 7th from ticketone.it. They can also be purchased from the ticket office during the event for 30 euros.

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Raffaele Foglia


Raffaele Foglia

A journalist for La Provincia di Como, sommelier and craft beer lover. He believes every glass of wine has a story worth telling. He's part of the wine editorial staff at Identità Golose

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