
Journey throuhgh Taglio Sartoriale / 6

Discovering the last emerging chef participating in the Grana Padano project: German Anton Pozeg

The overview of the six emerging chefs participati

The overview of the six emerging chefs participating in the finals of Taglio Sartoriale Internazionale - The New Generation, the project created by Grana Padano in collaboration with Identità Golose – ends with German chef Anton Pozeg. The date will be on Tuesday February 11th, on the occasion of the Identità Milano congress, when we’ll discover who will be the Grana Padano’s testimonial at Identità New York 2014

The early teenage years of Anton Pozeg, chef born in 1982 in Monaco, were enough for him to understand what his future and his philosophy of cooking might be. At 15 he already knew he wanted to wear a chef jacket. However, he would have never thought he could become one of the six emerging chefs participating in the Taglio Sartoriale Internazionale – The New Generation project, created by Consorzio Grana Padano in collaboration with Identità Golose.

Recommended by starred chef Mario Gamba of restaurant Acquerello (Monaco), in a few years Pozeg managed to give the right direction to his career and to define his road with precision. After a first internship in a restaurant close to home, in Monaco, he immediately understood that the secret of success for a chef is respecting and loving his job. The thirty-one year old chef says that cooking for him is a form of art and he finds his strength in an unrestrained mind that is able to discover its freedom every day, a place where creativity finds the right space.

Mario Gamba

Mario Gamba

Thanks to his innate talent and to his strong motivation for the profession, Pozeg worked for two years in Mario Gamba’s team, as a sous-chef. The teaching of the Italian chef allowed him to better understand our cuisine and the use of its ingredients. He treasured this experience in the kitchen of the luxury hotel chain Kempinski in Monaco and Vienna. His tasks were very important from the start, for a young man little over thirty, so much so that Executive Chef Philipp Vogel also wanted when opening his personal restaurant.

His future project is obviously that of opening a restaurant of his own, where he will be able to offer his recipes. The first chance to discover his dishes, and in particular his GPD-16 Maccheroni with artichokes and small pork delicacies, will be at Identità Milano 2014. A jury of experts summoned by Consorzio Grana Padano will choose the young talent who will become their testimonial at Identità NY 2014.

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Claudia Orlandi


Claudia Orlandi

writer and screenwriter, she arrived at Identità Golose after training at Gambero Rosso's school of wine and food journalism

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