
Taglio Sartoriale around the world

Consorzio del Grana Padano’s project crosses the borders to engage 12 great chefs

Taglio Sartoriale, the project which for a few yea

Taglio Sartoriale, the project which for a few years has offered great Italian chefs the chance to choose the maturation of Grana Padano that suits their dishes the most, opens a window overlooking Europe and the world, engaging 12 top chefs from France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia and United States as the new interpreters of 12 recipes

Speaking of tailor-made: since 2009 Consorzio di Tutela Grana Padano has been offering the greatest chefs of Italian cuisine the chance to choose the maturation of Grana Padano that is most suitable for their dishes, guaranteeing, over time, a supply of the chosen product. This project is called Taglio Sartoriale and thanks to it, the Consorzio becomes a partner of some great chefs in supplying them a “tailor-made” Grana Padano, a way to sustain signature cuisine by nourishing creativity. One only needs to mention “caramelized onions” to recall, straight away, the inventor of this famous dish, namely Davide Oldani, chef at restaurant D’O in Cornaredo (Milan), who made Caramelized Onion with hot and cold Grana Padano Riserva D’O, a must-try of his pop cuisine.

After this successful first phase, the Consorzio has decided to open a window over Europe and the world and to give this project a more international approach: so today the Taglio Sartoriale Internazionale project is launched, with 12 top chefs from France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia and United States as the new interpreters of 12 recipes that include the use of Grana Padano.

La celebra Cipolla caramellata con Grana Padano caldo-freddo, il piatto più celebre di Davide Oldani, chef del ristorante D’O a Cornaredo (Milano)

La celebra Cipolla caramellata con Grana Padano caldo-freddo, il piatto più celebre di Davide Oldani, chef del ristorante D’O a Cornaredo (Milano)

We’re talking about Mauro Colagreco of restaurant Mirazur in Mentone, Attilio Marrazzo of Jean in Paris, Mario Gamba of Acquerello in Munich, Cristiano Rienzner of Maremoto in Berlin, Francesco Mazzei of L'Anima and William Drabble of Seven Park Place in London, Lidia Bastianich of Felidia and Mark Ladner of Del Posto in New York, Yasuhiro Sasajima of Ghiottone in Kyoto, Stefano Del Moro of Antica Osteria del Ponte in Tokyo, Andrea Galli of Cherry Mio and Pietro Rongoni of Aromi La Bottega in Moscow who have, moreover, indicated as many emerging chefs who, in their turn, have created a savoury or sweet recipe using Grana Padano.

Of the 12 proposed recipes, 6 were selected: the selection was made on October 23rd by a jury presided by Paolo Marchi with Giuseppe Saetta and Elisabetta Serraiotto of Consorzio di Tutela Grana Padano, journalists Eleonora Cozzella and Roberto Perrone and chef Fabio Pisani of Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia. The six finalists – Denny Imbroisi from France, Anton Pozeg from Germany, Giorgio Rapicavoli from the United States, Isamu Hirayama and Kei Fukada from Japan and Marco Iachetta from Russia – and their creations, were made part of the project next to the 12 top chefs.

The “challenge”, however, is not over yet: on Tuesday the 11th of February, on the occasion of the tenth edition of the Identità Milano congress, the six finalists will prepare their dish in front of the jury and the author of the best dish will win a trip to New York on the occasion of Identità New York 2014 where he will be the “new generation testimonial” of Grana Padano Taglio Sartoriale Internazionale. The objective of this project is to give the right relevance to one of the best Italian products inside the most prestigious kitchens in the world.

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Giulia Corradetti


Giulia Corradetti

Classe 1985, laurea in Scienze Gastronomiche, passione e lavoro nel mondo gastronomico: cura gli eventi di Identità Golose, la relativa Guida e il sito web

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