IG2018: il fattore umano


The human factor and the dignity of people

Hospitality as the utmost gesture, beyond food. Massimo Bottura’s thoughts on the theme of Identità 2018

The view from the hotel Takahiraya in Nobeoka, in

The view from the hotel Takahiraya in Nobeoka, in south-west Japan (photo by Massimo Bottura)

As you ask me for my thoughts on the Human Factor I’m in Nobeoka, a countryside town in the south-west tip of Japan.

When we arrived, at 11 pm, the lady who owns the hotel was waiting for us in the street. She welcomed us with a smile and lit the path to the hotel Takahiraya with a lantern. The house smelled like wood and sea. The bed was scented and perfect. She prepared a hot stone tub, overlooking the ocean. A fresh breeze was coming from the window. The lady’s son, the house chef, served us some sushi and then we went to sleep.

I was awake at 6 already. The lady heard me and immediately arrived holding a tray with coffee. Meanwhile, she started to prepare a fantastic breakfast. Together with Taka and Pippo we spent two hours like that. Incredible. It was a first. I’s a moment we’ll treasure for a long time.

The owner of the hotel

The owner of the hotel

I tell this story because hospitality is the most important thing. It’s the utmost gesture. Nourishment, nourishing the soul: this is the meaning of a restaurant. At Francescana this kind of attention begins upon booking, and continues until the client leaves Via Stella. Food is only one side of the issue. It’s the human factor that recreates the dignity of people.

IG2018: il fattore umano

Tutto sull’edizione 2018 di Identità Golose, a Milano da sabato 3 a lunedì 5 marzo. Il tema della quattordicesima edizione sarà “Il fattore umano”

Massimo Bottura


Massimo Bottura

Born in Modena in 1962, he opened Osteria Francescana in 1995, earning 3 Michelin stars (2011) and the first place in the World's Fifty Best (2016 and 2018). He founded Food for Soul, and opened Refettori in Milan, Bologna, Modena, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, LondonHe's the author of best-seller "Never trust a skinny chef" and of "Bread is Gold", both published by Phaidon

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