Identità di Pasta - Alessandro Gilmozzi
22-05-2015 | 05:00 PM
Identità di Pasta arrives at Expo Milano 2015. The event with which great chefs are challenged with the most popular Italian ingredients had to have a space during the six months’ programme of Identità Expo. Every week a young chef will face 100% pasta techniques and preparations, on Friday nights, while once a month an already established chef will liven up a second special event.
This week it’s the turn of Gilmozzi, previously with Bras, Ducasse and Adrià: three great masters who drove him towards a cuisine full of unexpected research. He remains a silent yet determined chef, who is not afraid to present himself like this: «El Molin started in the early Nineties [it opened in 1990] with a cooking linked to the territory and gradually moved towards creative cuisine, becoming a point of reference in Trentino thanks to its “gambles”».