A menu for Valentine’s Day / 2
Romano Gordini tells us about the dish thanks to which he conquered the heart of his wife Iside
After the first course presented by Iside De Cesare, her husband Romano Gordini, who runs restaurant La Parolina in Acquapendente (Viterbo) with her, continues our Valentine’s Day menu with a special recipe. A recipe that had an important role in the story of this beautiful couple
I met Iside in Castrocaro, at Gianfranco Bolognesi’s Frasca. Being a good Roman woman, she has always loved the products from her territory. So, in order to conquer her, I thought of cooking a suckling pig seasoned with wild fennel, a spice she adores. In the beginning, I would cook it often, in order to draw her attention. Today, instead, the suckling pig is part of our menu: who knows, it might make other couples fall in love!
Crispy suckling pig with wild fennel and pepper mustard
Recipe for two people
600 g suckling pig belly
wild fennel
fig mustard

A gourmand and happy family
Prepare the pig by removing the exceeding fat and if need be deboning it. Prepare the seasoning with wild fennel, salt, pepper and chopped rosemary. Put into a vacuum pack, seal it and cook it at 65°C for 48 hours. Once the cooking is completed, put it into the chiller, under a press. Prepare the pepper mustard by chargrilling the peppers, then peel them and blend mixing the same amount of peppers and fig mustard. Strain and season with salt. Regenerate the piglet and roast it in an iron pan until the skin is crispy. Once the browning is completed, cut out the pig and serve it with the pepper mustard and some potatoes creamed in olive oil.