Trough my signature dish I want to express my roots, identity and with a main focus on clean and natural flavours. I’ve called my dish East meets West because of my Asian mother and Norwegian father. In the cross points between nostalgia and futurism, a few degrees above ”rawfood”, but absolutely with clean and honest flavours on your tongue, you’ll find my identity and definition of what’s perfect. The dish is composed of Nordic ingredients with Asian techniques.
East meets West
Recipe for 4 people
For the Nigiri
8 large langoustines
1 salmon back loin
1tbs salmon roe
1dl Linie Aquavit
Olive oil
Pea shoots
For the Horseradish base
1 small horseradish
4tbs apple cider vinegar
2tbs sugar
4tbs rice wine vinegar
For the emulsion
3 egg yolks
2dl clarified butter
1dl whipping cream
1tbs avruga
Garden sorrel
2tbs plain mayo
½ cucumber
1 apple
For the Komle and quail egg
5 potatoes
1 egg
75g wholemeal flour
20g ”jær”cheese
4 quail eggs
For the Apple & Cucumber
1 cucumber
1 apple
1tbs sugar
1tbs water
1tbs apple cider vinegar
For the Kale
1 nice kale leaf
5gr Søl
Olive oil

Christian Andrè Pettersen
For the Nigiri
Remove heads from the live langoustines and inject wooden satay sticks through the tail to hold its shape during cooking. Poach them in court bullion for 45seconds and refresh them directly in ice water. Remove the shells and trim the edges. Cut sashimi of the salmon and trim them to the size of the langoustine. Place two langoustines on Clingfilm and place the salmon on top. Roll it tightly and shape to resemble nigiri sushi. Remove the cling film and grill just before serving.
For the Horseradish base
Peel and juice ½ horseradish. Keep the horseradish ”flesh” left over from the juicing and place it in milk. Boil sugar and rice wine vinegar and add it to the juice. Grate the reserved horseradish ½ and place it in the pickle.
For the emulsion
Putt 3 egg yolks in a saucepan with the pickled horseradish and juice of ½ lemon. Whip this over a low heat until it’s stiff and pale. Remove the pan from the heat and alternate between gently adding the clarified butter and hot cream. Add salt, white pepper and horseradish milk to taste.
For the Apple & Cucumber
Peel and split the cucumber in to 4 to remove the seeds. Boil sugar, water and apple cider vinegar. Vac Pac the cucumber with the pickle. Cut the cucumber with a ”Crinkle cutter”.
For the Kale
Cut the kale into long strips and blanch in salted water. Just before serving sauté the kale and add søl, chives, lemon zest, salt and pepper to taste.
For the Komle
Peel, boil the potato and drain of the water. Pass the potato through a chinoise three times. Add the egg, flour, cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Shape the potato to small balls and press down at the centre to resemble a doughnut shape. Blanch in salted water and fry in butter just before serving.
For the quail egg
Boil the egg for 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Peel.
The grilled nigiri is placed just of the centre of the plate and brushed with aquavit and lemon zest. Top with pea shoots, salmon roe and pickled horseradish.
Place the sautéed kale just right of the ”nigiri”. Pour over the emulsion and top with apple and cucumber.
Place the egg on top of the ”komle” and sprinkle with salt crystals. Place in the top right corner of the plate.