The new recipe we present, taken from the finals of the fourth edition of Premio Birra Moretti Grand Cru, is offered by chef Davide Caranchini, who thus says.
My mini-menu was created following a leitmotiv: Birra Moretti Baffo d’Oro as an ingredient and a spice, that is to say ginger. I deliberately wanted dishes that belong to western tradition, but I chose an oriental contamination. The first dish in fact has a filling of salmon and crab, which is made more lively thanks to coriander and a sauce made with Baffo d’Oro and aromatised with ginger.

Davide Caranchini, chef at restaurant Acquadolce in Carate Urio (Como)
Baffo D’Or-iente - Agnolotti filled with salmon and crab on a purée of coriander and mirin with a sauce of Birra Moretti Baffo d'Oro and ginger
Recipe for 4 people
For the pasta
300 g remilled semolina
3 eggs
For the filling
150 g Loch Fyne salmon
80 g crab meat
1 egg white
70 g fresh cream
For the coriander purée
40 g coriander leaves
6 g mirin
For the sauce
150 ml Birra Moretti Baffo d'Oro
150 ml fresh cream
½ finely chopped scallion
40 g ginger
500 ml fish fumet
For the finishing
8 Tahoon sprouts
Ligurian extra virgin olive oil

As a pairing, Birra Moretti Radler
For the pasta
Make the pasta by kneading the ingredients until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Cover with cling film and leave in the fridge at least half an hour before using it.
For the filling
Blend the salmon with the egg white, strain it and move it into a bowl placed on another bowl with ice. Using a silicon spatula, whip the mixture, gradually adding the cream and a pinch of salt. Once it is whipped and has a soft and spumy texture, add the crab meat; move the mixture into a pastry bag and keep in the fridge until it is time to use it.
For the sauce
In a deep pot, reduce the beer on a moderate fire together with the chopped scallion and ginger; once it is reduced, add the fumet and the cream and leave it to reduce by one further third.
Strain the sauce in a very fine colander and keep it hot until it is time to use it.
For the purée
Blanch the coriander leaves in lots of salted water for around 30 seconds, then move them immediately to icy water. Drain and blend with a tablespoon of water and ice, a pinch of salt and the Mirin. Strain in a colander.
For the finishing
Roll out the pasta so it is very thin and shape the agnolotti. Cook them in lots of salted water for about 2 minutes, drain them and season them with a drop of Ligurian olive oil. Using a brush, spread some coriander purée on the plate, place 5 agnolotti in line; using a teaspoon, put a small quenelle of coriander purée next to the first and the last agnolotto. On top of each quenelle, place a Tahoon sprout. Meanwhile, using a hand blender, whisk the previously warmed up beer sauce so as to give it some air. Pour it inside a sauce boat and serve finishing the dish at the table with the sauce.