The series of recipes from the finals of the fourth edition of Premio Birra Moretti Grand Cru continues. Today it’s the turn of Federica Andrisani, ex sous-chef at restaurant El Coq in Marano Vicentino, who was also the first female chef to conquer a place in the top ten. Besides, this recipe also won the special mention for best savoury dish.
Birra Moretti La Rossa is the protagonist of my mini-menu both because it is my favourite one and because of its smoky notes. In this first course I wanted to recapture the characteristics of the chosen beer using a hot smoking procedure. In this case the king are the porcini, which, despite being a vegetable, can create the typical taste of meat. Chargrilled porcini, almost caramelised, are paired with the strong flavour of rooster crests.

Federica Andrisani, ex sous-chef at restaurant El Coq (Marano Vicentino)
Porcini, rooster crests and Birra Moretti La Rossa
Recipe for 4 people
2 fresh porcini
2 lt Birra Moretti La Rossa
20 rooster crests
30 g fried quinoa
1 Tropea onion
100 g palm sugar
100 g honey
100 g champagne vinegar
vegetable stock to taste
butter to taste
coriander to taste
salt, pepper, oil to taste
seed oil for frying

As a pairing, Birra Moretti Baffo d’Oro was chosen
For the chargrilled porcini
Take 2 fresh porcini mushrooms, carefully remove the earth, cut them into 2 cm thick slices and grill them on the embers on both sides.
For the beer reduction
Put 100 g palm sugar into a large pot and caramelise it. Turn it off with one litre of Birra Moretti La Rossa, cook it for 30 minutes over a low heat until it has reduced by 50%.
For the rooster crests
Blanch 100 g of rooster crests for a couple of minutes in a pot with boiling water, drain them and pan fry them in a pan with a knob of butter, a tablespoon of beer reduction and one of gravy. Add a ladle of vegetable stock, cook for around 5 minutes until the sauce is reduced.
For the Tropea onion petals
Peel the onion completely, cut it into four parts and divided it in petals. On a side, put 500 g of Birra Moretti La Rossa, 50 g of champagne vinegar and a tablespoon and a half of honey in a saucepan. Bring it to the boil, pour the liquid on the onion petals and leave to cool.
For the fried quinoa
Bring a pot full of hot water to the boil, add 50 g of quinoa and cook for 20 minutes. Remove the quinoa from the water and dry it for 4 hours at 60°C. Once it is dehydrated, fry it in boiling water.
For the finishing
Take two slices of grilled porcini and glaze them with the rooster crest sauce. Place 4 rooster crests and 4 onion petals glazed in the beer reduction on top, and finish with a some fried quinoa and some slices of fresh porcini, plus the stalks and the leaves of the fresh coriander.