Today, the series of 20 finalist recipes at Premio Birra Moretti Grand Cru 2014 begins. We start with the savoury dish that opened the mini-menu of winner Davide Del Duca, chef at Osteria Fernanda in Rome (read the interview).
My territory is the fil rouge in my mini-menu. First of all, thanks to the mushrooms inside the cappelletti: a pasta with a liquid filling in which Birra Moretti Grand Cru is paired with cream and egg yolk creating a powerful explosion of flavour. The caramelised porcini with beer, the hazelnuts and the parmesan mousse give a bitter-sweet contrast, while the foie gras is tempered by the fresh and pungent notes of the ginger”.
Beer with cappelletti - Cappelletti filled with beer, with ginger, mushrooms, parmesan mousse and foie gras
Recipe for 4 people
for the fresh egg pasta
250 g 00 flour
8 egg yolks
1 whole egg
5 g salt
for the egg and beer pastilles
50 g egg yolks
110 g cream
2,5 g salt
200 ml Birra Moretti Grand Cru
Pepper to taste
for the parmesan mousse
420 g whole milk
260 g parmesan
180 g egg white
12 g gelatine sheet
1g xantana
for the porcini mushrooms
120 g porcini
200 g Birra Moretti Grand Cru
100 g duck* meat juices
1 garlic clove
10 ml extra virgin olive oil
5 g brown sugar
duck meat juice
1 duck carcass
2 celery sticks
1 carrot
1 onion
1l vegetable stock
for the foie gras
30 g brown sugar
10 g Maldon salt
100 g duck foie gras
5 g Sichuan pepper
to serving
20 g butter
1 ginger root
15 g toasted hazelnuts
1 medium sized porcino mushroom

Birra Moretti Grand Cru, in the dish and in the glass
for the pasta
Put the eggs, flour and salt inside the pasta machine. Knead everything until you obtain a homogenous mixture, wrap it in cling film and leave it to rest for at least two hours in the fridge.
for the egg and beer pastilles
In a small steel saucepan, reduce the beer to 100 ml and leave to cool. Using a whisk, mix the egg, cream and salt make sure that the mixture doesn’t become foamy. Mix constantly on a moderate fire until it reaches 75°C then turn off the heat. Put the two mixtures together and emulsify with a hand blender adding pepper. Strain and fill the silicon moulds (3.5 cm in diameter). Put into the chiller until they are completely frozen.
for the parmesan mousse
Bring the milk to the boil, remove from the stove and with a hand blender add the Parmesan, the previously soaked and squeezed gelatine sheet and the xantana.
Cool until it reaches around 40°C and add the egg whites, whisking energetically for a few seconds. Strain and put the mixture into a syphon, charge twice and keep warm at 60°C.
for the porcini mushrooms
Using a special brush, clean the mushrooms, making sure you remove all the earth, and cut them into 1 cm dices. Heat a non-stick pan, add the oil and garlic and sauté for a few seconds, then add the mushrooms and complete the cooking. In a steel saucepan, reduce by 2/3 the beer with the sugar, add the duck juices, the mushrooms and reduce until these are caramelised.
for the duck juices
Toast the bones in the oven at 200°C for around 10 minutes. In a casserole tin, brown the celery, the carrots and the onion, previously cleaned and diced, add the bones and the stock and reduce slowly until you obtain around 100 g of mixture.
for the foie gras
Clean and remove the nerve from the foie gras, trying to keep it as compact as possible. Grind the pepper and mix it with the sugar and salt, massage the foie gras until the mixture is completely attached, then put it in a vacuum pack, close it and leave it in the fridge for at least 6 hours.

Davide Del Duca of Osteria Fernanda in Rome, surrounded by Alfredo Pratolongo of Heineken Italia and Claudio Sadler, jury president at Premio Birra Moretti Grand Cru
Using a pasta-rolling machine, roll out a very thin pasta, then cut out 16 discs with a 9 cm pastry cutter. Take a cooking brush, dampen it slightly with some cold water and brush the pasta without exaggerating. Take two pastilles per time from the chiller and using a carving knife quickly cut them into halves. Place them on 4 damp pasta discs, prepare the cappelletti and put them into the chiller immediately, on a baking tin with baking paper, avoiding, if possible, any flour, and then repeat for the remaining 12 ravioli.
In a non-stick pan, melt the butter, cook the ravioli in salted boiling water. As soon as the centre of the cappelleto will be melted, drain them and move them to the pan. Quickly stir-fry on a strong fire for a few seconds and then remove from the stove. Take a soup dish, place the hot caramelised porcini mushrooms, the hazelnuts, the parmesan mousse to finish. Take the cappelletti and put 4 per each dish, trying to put them standing, add the tip of a teaspoon with grated ginger on top of each raviolo, a small slice of foie gras (from which you have previously removed the marinade) and some slices of porcini to decorate the dish.