Arriving in Verona with low quality wines can transform itself into a terrible own goal – the first to understand this are the producers themselves. And if it is true that Vinitaly, the most important wine fair in the world, set to open on Sunday April 6th in the Scaliger capital, has become an event difficult to renounce to, one should not arrive “unprepared”.
Vinitaly, having reached its 48th edition, has changed, slowly. Producers know it – they don’t close contracts for yearly supplies any longer, but see the fair as a huge exhibit. Image, however, counts very little. Substance counts. After all a psychedelic stand can attract some visitors but exporters, those who do business with wine, are interested in what is in the glass.
Verona’s fair has gradually evolved, even if a little late when it comes to the market’s and the consumers’ demands: so this year there will be an area entirely dedicated to organic activities, in collaboration with
FederBio. Perhaps it’s also a question of being trendy, but certainly “natural” wine (not that other wines are chemical products, of course) is attracting more and more consumers who, in their own turn, have evolved, increasing their understanding and knowledge of this fascinating world. The presence of
ViViT (
Vigne Vignaioli Terroir) has also been renewed, with men, “earth artisans”, who become the absolute protagonists. Moreover, a pavilion will be entirely dedicated to producers coming from abroad.
It needs to be said that
Vinitaly brings 50 thousand visitors and over 4 thousand exhibitors to Verona, mostly Italians who want to conquer other markets. Not so much the Italian one, in which what with the crisis and the drinking-and-driving regulations consumption keeps on diminishing. Producers focus more and more abroad, where Italian wine is receiving increasing praise, even when compared to the more noble French bottles. And this is the nth confirmation that quality is repaid. Always at the right price.
It is very clear: in the end, it doesn’t matter if you use barriques or steel tanks, if you’re organic or biodynamic, if you use the most current technologies or you’re a small winery or a world giant. What’s important is offering flawless, clean, genuine but most of all good wines. Without getting overly philosophical: “fakes”, short-cuts and slyness need to be abolished.
One hopes this trend, seen in the latest editions, will be confirmed even during this Vinitaly: less image and more substance. We will see during the four days of the event.