Mullet sandwich with oyster mayonnaise
Emanuele Scarello
For 4 people
For the sandwich
4 rock mullet
4 red prawns
salt and pepper
some parsley leaves
very finely sliced milk bread
For the oyster mayonnaise
16 wild Fine Binic oysters
200 g smoked pig's cheek
8 maritime mertensia leaves
Fillet the mullet and use tweezers to remove the remaining bones. Season with salt and pepper and cover the fillets with the parsley leaves. Then lay over the prawn cut in half lengthwise (removing the intestine) and close like a sandwich. Wrap everything in a very thin slice of milk bread.
For the mayonnaise, open the oysters then seal them in a vacuum and pasteurise in a Roner at 63 °C for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the pig's cheek over a moderate heat.
Take out the oysters and eliminate the black edge, blend them with the melted fat to obtain a "mayonnaise".
Toast the sandwich in a non-stick pan, cut it in half and serve with a spoonful of mayonnaise and 2 maritime mertensia leaves.