Pigeon breast, pine nut oil mayonnaise, Matcha tea bread
Igor Macchia
Pigeon breast
cleaned pigeon breast
Pariani pine nut oil
Pine nut oil mayonnaise
egg yolks
Pariani pine nut oil
Preparing the plate
scalded Romanesco broccoli
scalded fresh spring onion
pigeon cooking juices
pine nut oil mayonnaise
pigeon cooked at a low temperature
Maldon salt
Matcha tea bread
Pigeon breast
Place the pigeon breast in a vacuum with the pine nut oil and steam at 54 °C for 35 minutes. Cool and store for the preparation of the dish.
Pine nut oil mayonnaise
Make a traditional mayonnaise.
Regenerate the pigeon breast and vegetables. Cut the meat into 4 strips, add the Maldon salt and the pepper, then cover with the pine nut oil mayonnaise. Add the vegetables and sauce to the plate and sprinkle with crumbs made from bread with the crusts removed.