Baby rosemary pizzas

Andrea Menichetti

For 30 baby pizzas

1.4 kg of strong wholemeal flour
600 g of W 350 (manitoba) flour
1 l of water
130 g of extra virgin olive oil
25 g of brewer's yeast
300 g of mother yeast
20 g of malt
15 g of honey
30 g of finely chopped rosemary
40 g of salt


Place the liquids, brewer's yeast and mother yeast in the mixer; run for 5-7 minutes, until everything is mixed together, then add the flours, malt, honey and rosemary. Knead the dough again and add salt. Continue until you have a smooth, supple mass. Set aside to rise for 3 hours at 28-30° C, then roll the dough out on a rolling board to a thickness of 6 mm.
Use a cutter to make the baby pizzas and arrange them on baking sheets. Allow to rise for 2 more hours, then press 3 fingers in the middle of the baby pizzas and fill the dimple with extra virgin olive oil. Bake in the oven at 200 °C for 13 minutes.