Maccaronara with two-meat and San Marzano ragoût
Antonio Pisaniello
For 8 people
For the ragoût
3 kg of peeled tomatoes (San Marzano variety)
½ an onion
150 g of breast of beef
150 g of pork rib ends
white wine
200 g extra virgin olive oil
salt and peppercorns
For the pasta
600 g of plain flour
For the garnish
bay leaves
For the ragoût
gently fry the onion, opened into layers, with the oil in a bratt pan. When it browns remove it, add the meat, chopped into 6 cm cubes, and fry gently. Then add some white wine, the squashed tomatoes and the peppercorns. Turn down the heat and leave the ragoût to simmer for 6 or 7 hours.
For the pasta
Tip the flour onto the baking board, shape it into a fountain and knead with 250 ml of water and salt, until an even dough is obtained. Make a ball, wrap it in kitchen film and leave to rest for an hour before rolling it out and cutting it using the special triangular section, thick spaghetti rolling pin. Cook immediately in the boiling salted water for two or three minutes.
Drain the pasta and dress immediately with the ragoût. Decorate with a fried bay leaf and season with a twist of freshly ground pepper.