This recipe requires time and a certain level of attention. The result, however, is very interesting for many reasons. In fact, we have created a “scrambled” tofu, delicately aromatised with hazelnuts which have a high nutrition value. The curdling agent has been added when the milk reached 88°C. For this procedure I suggest you use a digital thermometer.
The recipe also includes one of my favourite mayonnaises: it is made with homemade soya milk and has a delicate aroma of toasted hazelnuts. It’s recommended when completing delicate recipes such as this and many more.
Fake ricotta with hazelnuts and crispy black cabbage leaves
Recipe for 4 people
for the hazelnut cheese
2200 g water
250 g yellow soya beans
100 g peeled and lightly toasted hazelnuts
3 g citric acid
50 g boiling water to melt the citric acid
spicy oil
a pinch of white pepper
lemon zest
24 tender black cabbage leaves
bean sprouts
Soya and hazelnut milk mayonnaise* (see recipe at the end)

Simone Salvini, a vegan respect
1) Soak the soya beans overnight. Drain them and blend them together with the hazelnuts in a Bimby processor at the highest speed with about half of the water necessary in the recipe. If the process has been properly made, you should obtain a smooth and uniform liquid. Transfer this mixture, together with the remaining water, into a pot with high borders and a thick base. Heat on a low flame and stir constantly so as to avoid that it sticks to the base. Simmer for about 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Strain the warm liquid with a cotton or linen etamine and press so as to obtain as much milk as possible. The solid part left in the etamine (
Okara) can be used to make many highly nutritional recipes.
2) Put the milk back on the stove and simmer for about 2 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave to rest for a few minutes. Melt the citric acid into the boiling water. Gradually pour the curdling agent into the soya and hazelnut milk and stir gently with a wooden spoon until the curdling liquid is finished. A few seconds later, the curdling phase should begin; the cheese flakes should come to the surface. Cover the pot with a cloth and leave to rest for a few minutes without stirring. Collect the vegetal cheese flakes with a perforated spoon and put them into a container previously covered with a damp etamine. Cover with the same etamine and leave out of the fridge for a few hours so that the excessive liquid is drained.
3) Transfer the fake ricotta into a metal bowl and break it with a fork, season it with some spicy oil, some extra virgin olive oil, pepper and salt if necessary. Put to a side.
4) Perfect the cabbage leaves with a small knife and deep fry them at 150°C until they are crispy and shiny.
5) Put the cabbage leaves in a playful way on the base of the plates, continue with some oriental quenelle of hazelnut ricotta and season them with the finely grated zest of a lemon. Finish with the bean sprouts and a few spots of mayonnaise prepared with the same milk used to prepare the cheese.
* for the Soya and hazelnut milk
200 g soya and hazelnut milks
240 g corn oil
60 g extra virgin olive oil
20 g lemon juice
4 g salt
Put the milk into a blender glass and add the lemon juice and the salt. Process for a few seconds so as to finely mix the ingredients. In a jug, mix the two oils and gradually pour them over the hazelnut milk; continue to blend with the processor until the oil is finished. If the procedure is done properly, we should obtain a light and stable mayonnaise. Put some of this in a small pipette and leave it to rest in the fridge. You can keep it in the fridge for 5-6 days.